

Helping you how to live the life YOU want to live -
not the one others are expecting from you.

Cathy Gemis | Impact Habits

Hi, I’m Cathy

Every day I work with smart, talented people like you, who want to get to the next level in their career or business.

That's how I've discovered what specific habits make a real difference in having more impact in your life. The things that give you the confidence to show up as the best version of you, anytime, anywhere. Some of these things are so simple and logical, yet so powerful, they should be part of any school curriculum.

That’s why we - behind the scenes - we're extracting the most practical, essential, life-changing, yet simple and completely doable tools and mindsets from the offline training & coaching programs that we’ve been running for years, and turning them into an online course - that will become available soon.

My life wasn’t always like this.

I started my career by dropping out of college (couldn’t deal with the stress of it) , and then being lucky enough to get hired after my first job interview, as a receptionist in a big business hotel. I loved it (it never really felt like work), but it paid peanuts (the cheap kind).

Fortunately I had a situational ambition (“oh, I can do that too – give it to me”) that turned out to be much stronger than my lack of credentials and so, miraculously, I did move up the corporate ladder.I loved working as a senior manager: the international projects, the challenges, the responsibility, the continuous stretch.

But I didn’t end up quite where I wanted to be. Or at least, I was so focused on what was lacking in the company: the vision, the management, the resources. And at the same time, I was convinced I’d never find anything better. The ideal combination to get your ass thrown out. And that’s exactly what happened.

Impact Habits

Being fired was probably one of the best things that ever happened to me.

It gave me the kick in the but that I needed to finally gather the courage to do what I should have done ages ago: start my own business.

That’s when I finally learned that I was capable of so much more than I ever thought. Not having a boss to hide behind anymore, I had to step up. And I did.

Painful as it was, I could also see that I had spent my life being the queen of “should”.

That I’d been making my own life more difficult than it needed to be. Because of certain beliefs & some stubborn habits.

But the more I learned how to make the best out of an imperfect life (perfection doesn’t exist), the more I learned to trust myself.

And that’s exactly what we’ve been teaching managers and business owners in our offline business. To go off automatic pilot & become intentional. To challenge their own beliefs. To focus more on connection, and less on content. To create (emotional) safety for themselves and others. To just be their amazing selves instead of the watered-down, ratio-in-suit persona. To focus on progress instead of perfection.

And you can learn the same - right here on Impact Habits.




Cathy Gemis | Impact Habits
  • In a world where you can be anything, choose to be amazing.
Daniël Deleus | Cathy Gemis | Impact Habits

Meet Daniël

I can no longer keep him hidden (though he’d prefer that :-) ).
So, let me introduce you to my crazy, loving, extremely intelligent & business savvy husband, Daniël. Without his support, his critical mind & invaluable input, Impact Habits wouldn’t exist.
He didn’t want to be in the spotlight here – so I’m giving him his own little cozy corner here. 
After (quite) some begging, he even agreed to have his pic up. This one’s my favorite – it shows exactly how we are together.

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Cathy Gemis | Impact Habits Cathy Gemis | Impact Habits Cathy Gemis | Impact Habits Cathy Gemis | Impact Habits Cathy Gemis | Impact Habits Cathy Gemis | Impact Habits Cathy Gemis | Impact Habits