Cathy's blog

Own your life - Then Rock it - One habit at a time

How to be in charge (without being a control freak)

I never imagined being an entrepreneur, being a business owner. 

I dreamed about it, the same way you can dream about winning the lottery (but never buying a ticket).


I was stuck in the 9 to 5, living on auto-pilot. 

I was the hard worker, the firefighter & problem solver. Who slept bad and ate even worse. 

Yes, I had good times. But I wasn't in the driver's seat. 

Life was happening to me, and I felt powerless.



Let's take a step back here.

We tend to live our lives in one of two ways:


  • Leave things entirely up to chance, and end up feeling like a victim. (that was me)

  • Go for full control, and end up tired & not enjoying the good things life throws your way. 



But what if you could just dance with your life?

If you could spot the opportunities AND create new ones. 

Be more zen, have more fun & energy.


What's your pitfall? 

Do you tend to go into full control? 

Or do you tend to let life take over?

How could you let things flow more?


3 powerful antidotes:

  • Start your day with intention: what would you like to achieve today? This could be a specific task (finish that report), a high-level intention (I want to be kinder to colleagues), or even a feeling (I want to feel more balanced and relaxed). Setting your intention doesn't have to take much time: you can do it while you're brushing your teeth, take a shower or wait in line at Starbucks.

  • Notice the opportunities that come your way: how can they serve you to achieve what you intended to do? That meeting that got canceled just gave you an extra hour to finish your report. Your colleague seems a bit upset over something: an ideal opportunity to focus on your communication skills. The babysit just canceled: how can you deal with this in a way that doesn't undermine your goal for zen & balance?

  • Check for success: at the end of the day, do a quick round-up of how things went. Maybe you can spot an unnoticed opportunity, or fine-tune your intention for tomorrow.


You got this!


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You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.
You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.