Cathy's blog

Own your life - Then Rock it - One habit at a time

Living in a *perfect* world

If we could dream without limits (winning-the-lottery-kind-of dreaming 🤩), my hubby and I would love to have our own little island somewhere; Warm, sunny, quiet. Introvert heaven.

But then I add: “yes, but... not too far away from the civilized world! I still want to be able to people-watch!” (and shop... #girlswillbegirls 😉)

And that’s where you already start to see: *ideal* isn’t easy.

It’s not standard. There are so many details to take into account.

And it means something different for everyone.

Imagine if we could choose the weather! Wars would start immediately.

So no matter how much we’d all love to live in a perfect world... The perfect world is an illusion.

Spoiler alert: this means that we need to learn how to live in an imperfect world, that we need to train our resilience muscle 🏋

The better we can accept the reality of life (and deal with the imperfection of it all) the happier we’ll be.

Less stress, less frustration, less anger.

It probably sounds counter-intuitive but have you noticed that stress, frustration, and anger all have one thing in common?
It’s an us-fighting-against-the-world kind of thing. Us against reality.

And when we’re hyper focused on how things *should be*, we start wearing ourselves out. It’s no bueno 👎

Like Byron Katie says: “When you argue with reality, you lose — but only 100% of the time.”

She’s right. So let it go.

*ideal* doesn’t exist (neither does *perfect*) and that’s okay 😉

You got this!


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You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.
You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.