Cathy's blog

Own your life - Then Rock it - One habit at a time

Habits are like vitamins

Change seldom happens with a big bang!

My husband often tells the story of how — when my plus-son was sick as a kid — he would give him vitamins. He would watch how Jeroen would swallow the pill, look around with a frown for a moment, and then shake his head in disappointment and say: *Dad, it's not working!*

Habits are like vitamins. They're small, they need repetition, and take time to have an impact.

That’s why it’s sometimes so hard to build new habits. At the start, they require focus, patience and persistency.
It takes a while to create new ones (remember learning to walk, ride a bike, drive a car? Just to name a few 😉)

But once you’ve created them, they become automatic. The new normal 😉

And habits can set other good things in action as well.

For me — if I do manage to get onto my treadmill a couple of times a week — I notice that I drink more water, and I eat healthier. Almost automatically. Making the effort to do the workout, changes my perception of myself (sporty, fit) and of what's important. Why workout if I'm going to *ruin* it later with snacks and cookies?

And the same is true for my communication skills. If I do prepare more for planned conversations, I'll do better in impromptu ones as well.

Just remember:

Habits are like vitamins – if you just stick with them, eventually you’ll feel the difference.

Maybe more than you could have imagined 😊

You got this!


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You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.
You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.