Cathy's blog

Own your life - Then Rock it - One habit at a time

Stop saying "that's difficult"

One of my clients has this self-sabotaging habit.

She’s a driven entrepreneur who wants to step up her game. Become more visible, find her own style, increase her impact. She’s always prepared, and comes into our sessions with plenty of questions and examples of things she’d like to change.

We explore, we discuss. She lights up, sees all the possibilities, builds her action plan. And then... she sighs.

She falls back into her chair and says *yes, but that’s difficult* And I see the light go out and the energy drain away.

That one small sentence is her kryptonite. It puts her right back into frustration and power- lessness.

Now don’t get me wrong. It IS difficult!

Creating new habits and breaking through your self-imposed glass ceilings is not for the faint at heart. Du-uh!

If it were *easy* we’d all be doing it already. Building our effortless empires — while food prepping on the treadmill of course 😉

But the question is:

Do you want to stay where you are?

Or do you want another outcome?
Do you want to increase your impact, your confidence, your joy in life?

Saying *but this is difficult* all the time is sabotaging you.

It’s giving you an excuse to not go all in.
It’s draining your motivation, your energy, and your belief in yourself.

Replace it with *how can I make this work?*

Our brain loves solving problems even more than complaining (really!) Asking questions like this is how you can change gears effortlessly.

You got this!


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You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.
You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.