Cathy's blog

Own your life - Then Rock it - One habit at a time

The magic question for perfectionists

If you're a (recovering) perfectionist, like me, you know what it feels like to be overwhelmed.

To wake up 2 hours before your alarm goes off, with a feeling of panic, manic thoughts on repeat in your head, and the feeling that there is no way on earth you'll be able to manage this.


I've been panicky like this for as long as I can remember. 


I had it as a kid on the first day of school, every year.

I had it when I dropped out of university, because I was so afraid to fail.

I've had it before giving a speech, or during projects that started to derail. Or just because there are too many things on my plate.



Now 2 things have happened since then:

  1. I've learned some stress management techniques. Simple things like breathing, meditating, or just writing down everything that's in your head - to stop the endless flow of thoughts. So the overwhelm doesn't happen quite as often anymore. And the intensity/duration of these moments has reduced drastically.

  2. I've learned that this is a pattern for me. So part of me can look at the rest of me panicking, and think: it'll pass, no big deal.


Now, this observing part of me has also learned a very simple question, to help me through the process:


*How can I let this be easy?*


It's so easy & so powerful.


Just asking that question allows me to see things differently:

  1. I'm making it way more complex than it needs to be. - So I can stop doing that.

  2. It's not just happening to me. I'm doing something. - YAY! I can decide to do something else instead.

  3. And maybe, I don't even need to do something. - I can just LET it be easy


Next time you feel overwhelmed: give it a try & let me know how it goes.


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You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.
You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.