Cathy's blog

Own your life - Then Rock it - One habit at a time

This is the best communication tool

My personal absolute superpower? Curiosity!

Yeah, yeah – I can already hear you think 😊 — curiosity is just a nice way of saying you’re *nosy*.

Sure, but it’s also the basis for one of the most important communication skills we have.

So yes — I look up every time when someone (usually my husband) opens up a plastic wrapper (just like your favorite pet). Is it a cookie? Salty chips? Another unhealthy delicacy I want a piece of?

And yes – I’m always in the best spot to see anyone entering the restaurant when we go out for a meal. God forbid I would miss anything!

But even though I’m extremely introverted and very bad at small talk, I’m also a very good communicator.

Because of this one skill: asking questions.

I looove asking questions that are powered by real, genuine curiosity (I'm not just cookie-focused you know 😉)

I simply want and need to understand things. I need to see the full picture. I have to know the whole story.
And so I ask questions. Lots and lots of them.

I work with people who are way smarter, business savvy and financially literate. So more often than not I’m not adding any knowledge. But I am adding a lot of thinking. New insights, connections, focus.

And of course — a lot of people knowledge (but that’s a topic for another time)

I can talk business like the best of them.

Not because of what I know, but because of the questions I ask.
My clients always become smarter – because I get them to think beyond where they would have stopped.

3 reasons to add more questions to your communication toolbox:

  1. It creates a real dialogue

  2. It makes everyone smarter

  3. It creates genuine connection & builds trust

You got this!

PS: Don’t forget to listen when you ask a question! 😉 Grab the free mini-guide to become an absolute pro at listening here.



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You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.
You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.