Cathy's blog

Own your life - Then Rock it - One habit at a time

What to focus on to increase your impact (and what not)

As a hardworking, rational professional, your first focus probably is: the content. 

How good is your idea? How clear is your proposal? What counter-arguments can you expect? 

You've thought through all the scenarios, you've included all the arguments. 

Now it's just a question of presenting it to them with confidence. 

Or is it?


We've all prepared fool-proof presentations that didn't get you the results.


What's missing?


The "red axis". 

How does it FEEL for the other person?

Did I just see a "yuk" on your face?

Yes - feelings. In a business context. Cause feelings are the basis for any decision that we take.

Yes, you too! You might be an expert at finding excellent rational, logical reasons to support your choice.  

But your feelings will be the driving force.


Some examples?

Your favorite supplier is not just the cheapest, or gives you the best results. 

You like working with them. They respect you. They listen to you. They're flexible. 

That ERP you chose? There is no "best" ERP, just the one that "felt" better, with the "nicer" team. 


Decisions are based on feelings, whether you like it or not.


So if you want to get people on board, if you want your ideas to be accepted, if you're going to make real impact, you have to focus on the relationship, on the connection, on how your communication makes the other person feel.


  • Have you made them feel important? Or were you trying to prove how smart you are?

  • Were listing arguments? Or listening to their needs?

  • Were you monologuing? Or dialoguing?

  • Were you trying to convince? Or to connect?


Every time you're "losing" an argument, go see how you can improve the connection.


Your impact will soar.

You got this!





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You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.
You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.