Cathy's blog

Own your life - Then Rock it - One habit at a time

7 habits to boost your confidence

Do you ever feel like you're just not enough? That others are better than you? That they have the impact and results you'd like to have, but you have no clue what it is that makes the difference?

And if you're really honest with yourself (I won't tell anyone, promise!) - you just don't believe that you can do it?


Can you build self-confidence?

Or is it a personality trait that some were lucky enough to get in the DNA-lottery - and you didn't?


Confidence is not a personality trait.

Confidence is not a skill.

It's the result of living in alignment with yourself.

Of honoring the commitments to yourself.


So then the next question is, what can you do to live more in alignment with yourself?

These are the 7 things I've been working on consistently, that have made all the difference.


7 habits to boost your confidence


1. Accept & trust your feelings (don't turn them into emotions)

Your feelings are not the enemy. It's OK to feel "bad", scared, upset or angry. 

Feel what's there. Don't add any stories or old pain to it.


2. Take action outside of your comfort zone/experiment

Focus on progress, not perfection. Baby steps are just fine


3. Keep commitments to yourself 

Every time we promise ourselves something (I'll eat healthier, I'l go to the gym, I'll post that blog today) and you don't keep your commitment, you're undermining your trust in yourself. Keeping your promises to yourself is a powerful trust & confidence booster.


4. Change your inner dialogue  

That non-stop nagging at yourself will become a self-filling prophecy. 

It's OK to not be confident all the time. Don't focus on it. Don't make it into an impossible goal. Instead, focus on what brings you joy. 


5. Surround yourself with people that boost your confidence

This could be in real life (I finally married someone who believes in me - rather than having boyfriends who put me down)

But it can also be virtually: reading books and listening to podcasts by confident people will help you upgrade your mindset


6. Focus on how you are impacting others

Are you helping your loved ones to become their own best selves? Or are you keeping them down by complaining, or telling the story of your stuckness over and over again?


7. Be gentle with yourself

You are a work in progress. Perfection is not the goal.


You got this!


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You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.
You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.