Cathy's blog

Own your life - Then Rock it - One habit at a time

The advice I hate most? *just be yourself*

*Just be yourself!*

Do you cringe when you read that too?

Yeah right - if it were that simple, we would all *just* do it 🙄

Don’t get me wrong: I envy people who’ve learned from a young age to be themselves. To explore what they like, don’t like, what they’re good at, what drives them.

But like a lot of people, I’ve been trained as a kid to be anything BUT myself.
To be less opinionated. Less stubborn. Less selfish. Less me.

In order to *just be yourself*, you have to know who you are. And for most of us, that means: first getting to know yourself. Rediscovering the *you* underneath all the values, norms and beliefs that you’ve copied from others.

And - spoiler alert - that’s a never ending quest!

There was a time that I thought I was an extrovert (anyone who knows me, knows how funny that is!)

I also believed that I wasn’t capable of giving feedback 🤔 (all my coachees go *WHAAAT???* now)

That I could never be an entrepreneur (I have 2 businesses - but when I started working together with my husband, my mom said: *Oh, now you’re going to work FOR Daniël?* Aargh)

Or that I’m not creative enough (while other people tell me: *you’re so creative*)

Most of us could use a reality check on who we believe we are - before we go all in on *being ourselves*

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You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.
You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.