Cathy's blog

Own your life - Then Rock it - One habit at a time

Thinking of working with your spouse/partner/friend?

"What? You guys WORK together as well? Seriously? I could never do that!"

I can’t count the number of times someone has said that to us.

Working together has become an integral part of who we are as a couple — and I’d never, ever wanna go back. It really suits us perfectly.

Does that means we never argue, or have difficult moments? Of course not.

Being an entrepreneur isn’t easy.
Being entrepreneurs together isn’t any easier.

But we do have a little secret that makes it all better... 😊

We didn’t just dive in and started working together, there was quite a process that came between the first idea and the actual implementation.

Daniël was ready waaaay before I was. I’m a slow(er) thinker, I’m less “present” than he is, so when he first suggested we go in business together, I was scared. I thought I might lose myself in the collaboration, become invisible again.

So we took our time, and had many deep conversations about it.

What did I want?
What did he want?
What were our strengths and pitfalls?
What did we want this company to look like?
What would a typical day entail?

These lengthy — often late-night — conversations are the basis for our easy collaboration now. We couldn’t have done it in the same way without them. It’s so much easier to discuss what ifs, than to find yourself confronted with “faits accomplis” 😉

And we continue these conversations regularly. How are things going? What’s next? What’s missing?

Working together has added another dimension to our relationship.

Why am I telling you this? Do I want you to start working with your spouse? No!

But I do think that having deep discussions about things (if at all possible BEFORE taking a big decision) — whether at work or at home — saves time, energy and prevents frustration in the long run.

What discussion do you need to have soon?

You got this!


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You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.
You are just a few habits away from real, lasting confidence.